Sunday, May 25, 2014

Low end peices

Hello, all of these pieces I will sell very cheap as they did not take much work 

If you are interested in any of the peices above please don't hesitate to email me for prices at 
I also do custom work for people 


Very high end crayons

Hello, here I have my very high end crayons that are my very best from over the time I have been carving.
(Left to right) a fountain piece, and abstract, a canoe and a sharp tip 

If you are interested in any of the peices above please don't hesitate to email me for prices at 
I also do custom work for people 


My regular medium priced crayons

Hello, here I have a assortment of abstract mid priced peices 
If you are interested in any of the peices above please don't hesitate to email me for prices at 
I also do custom work for people 


New crayons in stock!

Hello I am back making crayon carvings as I have become interested again and have some new amazing crayons including a new type I'm trying. The new type is a kind of rock or mountain on a crayon and I think it looks cool so here are my new additions
(Left to right) 2 basic abstract crayons, my 2 rock face crayons and the last is a high end sharp tip crayon. I hope you enjoy and if you would like to purchase 
